Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Belly Laughs and stuff

So, apparently I cry all the time now for no good reason. What I've realized is that it doesn't matter if there's no reason. Upset is upset. It's also upsetting to not really know why you're upset. And, when your partern needs a reason why you're upset so he can help/fix it/support, etc - it's even more upsetting. More upsetting = more tears = viscious crying cycle. Sigh.

My friend lent me a book by Jenny McCarthy, Belly Laughs. It made me laugh so hard I cried. I highly recommend it; not for the sage advice, but for the laughs. At a time in your life when crying is the norm, a good laugh out loud at a book moment is just what the Dr. ordered.

Thank god I step back into the rehearsal room next week. I can't take this baby prep phase anymore.

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