Friday, February 22, 2008


Some of us aren't very good at listening to HOW to recover from lil things like car accidents. I am, apparently, one of those. The week following the accident on 12 Feb was painful, but I thought okay. Until, I over-did it. It is unwise to continue working when you have a concussion, especially when your work is dance. Sounds logical, right? Well, you only open your new dance home once in a great long while, if ever.

The opening of Echo Park Contemporary Ballet Centre was a blast. I'm glad it happened, I'm glad I performed, I'm grateful for the support we had... the community was AMAZING. Check out A Time To Dance's Post for Maria's thoughts :)

I'm not so glad I ended up in the emergency room the next day with the single worst pain I've experienced. WTF?!

I'm not a fan of hospitals, but I'm glad I went. Now I know better. Take the week off and recover. Let my brain rest. And just heal.

So, that's the plan... over and out.


shallomj said...

Kelly! As your best-friend-currently-not-in-residence I command you to take better care of yourself. STAT.

k.k. said...

I'm in good hands - a.k.'s kept me quiet all day, my girl is w/ my mom, and I'm trying to be good. My halo's a lil crooked as you know. :)

Is this what being 30 is all about? If so, I refuse!

King Mob said...

Get better- those head traumas can be disturbingly long-lived.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this... I hope you're feeling better now! Sometimes it is really hard to see what is best for yourself-- particularly for a performer when you only have sporadic opportunities to show your work.

k.k. said...

I am doing much better... it's bizarre, though. This is the first injury I've ever encountered that actually forced me to stop. I'm definitely simplifying some aspects of life :)