Sunday, January 27, 2008

time warp & tid-bits

I am elated beyond words. I hope I can convey my gratitude and excitement in some small way here. I am working on a new project: Objects of Hope_Washington, DC. I'm collaborating with the musicians in an absolutely new way for me - they are a fundamental part of shaping the work. The talent in the room is a bit intimidating - mostly because I don't speak their language comfortably. However, it is already one of the top experiences of my life. I am far outside my comfort zone - but in a healthy, growing way. Sadly, one of them had to leave a bit early. After he left, the three remaining hit a rhythm that blew me away. It was pure (as one of them stated) "living in the moment" MAGIC. My only twinge of sad is that making this work is not my full-time job. I long for a time when the majority of my income is making this art. It will happen.

I'm focused on the long-term goals of Contradiction Dance; which means saying "no" to certain projects that are quite appealing. Happily, there are several that feed me as an artist, help me to grow in those goals, and will help support me financially. I just hope that I'm not allowing any of them to distract me or detract from work I could be doing for Contradiction.... AAAAAHHH TOO MANY CHOICES. I made the decision not to self-produce this year. It's forced me to focus on the projects that will support themselves and the company and to let go of those that are draining on all resources. It's a scary choice - I like knowing my concert schedule way ahead of time, but I'm not in a financial position to responsibly produce another show out-of-pocket.

Speaking of supportive work:

Contradiction Dance moves into residence with Echo Park Contemporary Ballet. WE HAVE A HOME!!! This will get it's own post very soon as well... hammering out details this week - then we'll have a lot to celebrate - YAYAYAY!

I'm psyched to step back into rehearsals with Liz Lerman Dance Exchange this week. I am an adjunct performer as well as an educator with them; my experiences have been rewarding and satisfying. Please check the link above for weekly classes as well as the company's performance schedule.... I'll post more on the upcoming gig SOON.

In other news, I'm auditioning for a play this week... I haven't taken a serious acting role in a while - I'm totally psyched! Not to mention, it's a great challenge :) Once again, I'm finding comfort outside my comfort zone. Also, as I'm dabbling more and more in theatrical elements in the dances I direct, I need to hone those skills myself as an actor, singer, etc. And, the play itself is a poignant work (more on it later) and it should be FUN, too :)

I'm in one of those places where life is happening in fast-forward... it's a bit strange and exhilarating all at the same time; unfortunately, I'm seriously exhausted and out of balance. I still haven't kicked this cold. Ever felt that way?

And then, life gives you a gift of time. Just after I wrote the sentences above I got a call reminding me that this was a week off from 5 of my classes. See, life takes care of you, if you take care of life. I need to remember that more often!

I just saw this video from Boris on Dance a Day. He subbed for me last week so that I could do a gig w/ Cast of Thousands (a production company that does special events). My teens were being teens... they had a performance last week; this week only one student showed up for the open house/last day. She was in for a treat.... take a peek!

Obama won in S.C. Here's the BBC's take: Obama wins in S.C. What do you think? I didn't hear his speech, but peeps say it was a good one. Onward.

Here are some pics from the recent shoot w/ Paulo ( enjoy! There are spicier ones, but I prefer to keep those anonymous for now!

1 comment:

shallomj said...

Those are some hot pics, girl :)