Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Most Frightening Place...

Is the dark space that exists between ideas. The moments, days, and weeks when the muse is silent creates a maddening and deafening chaos of emotion and fear. It passes. It's just damn scary... that dark silence.

The newest idea came in concept a while ago. The concrete ideas have been washing over me the past few days. Creating insomnia, waking me from the sleep I do get, and forcing my pen to page to ask for the necessary collaboration and funding.

My ideas are born of life experience... I am grateful for a full life.

Now, to the second most frightening place: the creation itself. Walking into the studio with a mind full of ideas - good ones at that - and the responsibility to make the work to the best of my craft. The real work begins today.

I've been immobilized by a lack of inspiration, sadness at goodbyes, and the solemn moments of reflecting on 2007. Tempered with the joy of sharing time with loved ones, I've been immobile, nevertheless. Time to retrain the injured ankle and put this idea into my body.



King Mob said...

I don't know if I've ever suffered from writer's block, which I guess would be the equivalent of your gap between concept and execution. If anything, it's stopping ideas that's more difficult...

When I'm mentally preparing something to write, the only way I can describe is like a boil that's growing inside of me. The idea becomes so large and developed inside of me that eventually, I have to get it out just as a relief to myself. That's why I side with those who say that creativity is a necessity.

Hope the ankle heals up and that creations comes easy- KM

k.k. said...

Creativity is a necessity for me as well... in a different sense; when I can't create, or am blocked, I am slightly insane.

I do experience the other end of the spectrum, the balloon-about-to-burst sensation when I'm full... like now!

Thanks for the well wishes :)